Kareena Kapoor created a lot of hue and cry with her size zero frame not very long ago. But in her next release, 'Kambakht Ishq' where she plays a surgeon who moonlights
as a supermodel, she has put on a few extra pounds.
She's said, "I weigh 54 kg now, which for a girl of my height is quite fine. People used to wonder what 'size zero' is and I'd joke, 'Just look at me'. I don't want that any more.
I want to look like a normal healthy girl. My forthcoming releases required me to get back to a fuller shape."
Apparently in 'Kambakht Ishq', she didn't want to play the character looking like an international model because she's basically in another profession. So it was not possible
for her to really have the figure of Victoria Beckham. She had to look more filled up.
She will have a fuller frame in 'Mr & Mrs Khanna' too.
She says he wanted to do so in the film with Salman Khan as she plays a wife.
She's made it a point to add, "Not that wives can't be curvaceous. The one I played in 'Golmaal Returns' certainly was."
So that means that Kareena won't be flaunting and talking only about her size zero frame anymore! Well, must say that would be good for a change!
Saturday, December 13, 2008 10:40 IST